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Reporting Tools

Helpful resources for filing reports.

OSHA Emergency Contact

To report an emergency, fatality, or imminent life threatening situation please contact the OSHA toll-free number immediately:

1-800-321-OSHA (6742)

TTY 1-877-889-5627

Report a Hazard to OSHA

If you spot a non-emergency hazard, complete this form including a description and the of the hazard.

To File a Discrimination Complaint

OSHA recommends that employees try to resolve safety and health issues first by reporting them to their supervisors, managers or the safety and health committee. At any time, however, employees can complain to their local OSHA Area or Regional Office and ask for an inspection or an investigation. (Complaints to federal OSHA from workers in states with OSHA-approved state plans will be forwarded to the appropriate state plan for response.)

* Note: Discrimination complaints must be filed within 30 days of the alleged discrimination.

File a discrimination complaint if your employer has punished you for using any employee rights established under the OSH Act or for refusing to work when faced with an imminent danger of death or serious injury and there is insufficient time for OSHA to inspect. If you have been punished or discriminated against for using your rights, you must file a complaint with OSHA within 30 days of the alleged reprisal for most complaints. No form is required, but you must call or file a letter with the OSHA Area Office nearest you within 30 days of the alleged discrimination. In states with approved state plans, employees may file a complaint with both the State and Federal OSHA.

Safety Hotlines

Benefits of Safety Hotlines:

Safety Hotlines benefit both employees and companies

  • Employees can feel involved in creating a safer workplace, creating a sense of teamwork with management
  • Employees have firsthand knowledge of the hazards and can suggest effective ways to mitigate them

Hotlines can benefit companies by effectively identifying hazards and solutions before injuries occur

  • Reduces injuries and associated costs
  • Reduces lost time and increaes efficiency

Effective Hotlines:

  • Quick response is essential
  • Never say that you have received a call on the Safety Hotline!
  • Maintain a log of all calls and how the situation was addressed
  • Dedicated phone line (not to anyone's desk)
  • Answering machine - check often
  • Consider using an 800 number
  • Disable Caller ID
  • Provide clear instructions
    – "if this is an emergency dial..."
    – Personal name not necessary
    – Name of production
    – Location of production
    – Injury or near-miss event
    – Type of hazard

Sample Instructions:

"You have reached the anonymous Safety Hotline for XYZ Studios. If this is an emergency, please hang up and dial 911. At the tone, please leave us the following information:

  • Name of production
  • Location of production
  • Type and location of hazard
  • Did this hazard involve a 'near miss event' or result in an injury?

Thank you for your call and concern."

Making the Hotline known:

  • Call sheets
  • Break areas
  • Start paperwork
  • Work areas, dressing rooms, production vehicles
  • Catering and craft service areas
  • Restrooms
  • Websites

OSHA as a last resort:

  • OSHA is intended as a last resort for reporting hazards or unsafe work environments
  • Visits by OSHA can largely be avoided by effective internal communicaiton and hazard resolution
  • Fed-OSHA emergency hotline 1-800-321-OSHA (6742)